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Crystal Healing

Crystals are different combinations of minerals which has natural healing energy. Imbalances of energy body can be restored by usage of different crystals on chakras. It cures ailments and protects from negative energies.

In alternative medicine, crystals are often used to balance and restore the energy flow in the body. This is based on the idea that the human body has a subtle energy system, which consists of various chakras or energy centers that are responsible for different physical, emotional, and spiritual functions.

According to this theory, imbalances or blockages in the energy system can lead to physical and emotional ailments. Crystals are believed to work by interacting with the energy flow in the body and promoting balance and healing.

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The Panchakosha are:-

Annamaya kosha or the physical body is formed by the food. This is the only manifested version of the panchakosha, which is visible to everybody. Ayurveda, unani, modern medicine etc. are various modalities to heal this kosha.

Pranamaya kosha or energy body is unmanifested version which is formed by Prana,  which is the base for life. Prana flows through the nadis all through the body. It is said we have 72,000 nadis. The main plexus points of these nadis are called chakras & small plexus points are called marmas. The cleansing of pranamaya kosha is done by various modalities like crystal healing, reiki, pranic healing, acupuncture, shiatsu, marma therapy, chakra alignment etc.  All these healings align the pranic flow and relieve ailments.

Manomaya Kosha or mental body, involve all the faculties of mind and is the basis of our study. In modern view point, the Cognitive abilities, information processing, experience emotions and feelings, imagination all are the faculties of mind. In yogic definition of the activities of mind which is termed as vrithis of mind. The vrithis happen depending on the individuals Budhi, Manas, Ahankara and Chitha. Perceptions or beliefs we create on these factors becomes our reality. So Cleansing or re-engineering the belief systems or perception can change the individuals’ realities. For clearing of Manomaya Kosha we use theta healing and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Manomaya kosha and the vignjyanamaya kosha, the karmic body, is intertwined and hence cannot be separated altogether. Because behavioral pattern depends deeply on the unconscious impressions stored in the Chitha.  So, the second level cleansing of manomayakosha extends to the vikjanamayakosha cleansing which includes the past life and genetic level.

Vikjananmaya kosha, or the karmic layer, which carries the impressions of the past lives and genetic lineage blockages. This is also a subtle level of prana. This cleansing is done by past life regression and genetic lineage healing. Kriya yoga practice helps to accelerate cleansing of this layer too.

The fifth body is the Anandamayakosha or the Bliss body. Bliss body directly communicate with the source energy and receives information from the source. The cleansing is done by the meditations.

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